Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Another potential evidence from Taposiris Magna

Headless Egypt king statue could give clues to Cleopatra's tomb

"A headless statue of a Greek king has been discovered in the ruins of an ancient Egyptian temple, adding to evidence that the structure could be the final resting place of Marc Antony and Cleopatra, say excavation leaders."

Full article here

Thanks to Stuart Tyler ( Hatshepsut Project ) for pointing to this story to me.
Cleopatra: A Life

A new book, "Cleopatra: A Life", by Stacy Schiff is availble now.
A short quote from the author: "She would have had precisely the education that someone like Caesar or Cicero had," said Schiff. "Homer was the Bible of the day. She certainly would have been able to recite large parts of the Iliad. She would have known her Aeschylus, her Euripides, and her Sophocles. She would have done child grammar lessons using Aesop's fables. And it's a very consistent curriculum across the Greek world at that point. And she and the well-born men with whom she allies herself later would have all hailed from the same background."

Another, yet unsolved, mystery about Cleopatra is the way she died. According to this book, ... Cleopatra used poison to commit suicide, rather than a snake bite..."

The rest of the story could be found here


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