Thursday, June 24, 2010
Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt

Yet another book, about the famous queen, is set to be released on September 21, 2010. It's "Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt", written by Zahi Hawass in collaboration with Franck Goddio. More details and preorder here.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Who has played Cleopatra...

In the last few days, a lot has been said and written about the forthcoming movie about famous queen, based on the book “Cleopatra: A Life”. Although, there are different opinions about the choice of a leading actress (Angelina Jolie), it’s a good moment to look at the list of movies where her character appears, and more interesting, to see who has played her character.

Romans and Rascals (1918) played by Madge Kirby
Cleopatra (1917) played by Theda Bara
Marcantonio e Cleopatra (1913) played by Gianna Terribili-Gonzales
Cleopatra (1912) played by Helen Gardner
The Passions of an Egyptian Princess (1911) played by Julie Meijer
Cleopatra (1910) played by Madeleine Roch
Antony and Cleopatra (1908) played by Florence Lawrence
Cleopatra's Tomb (1899) played by Jeanne d'Alcy

To see complete list click here…
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Cleopatra's Sunken Palace

"Cleopatra was Egypt's last pharaoh and one of history's most famous women. Now her palace may become the world's first underwater museum."


Behind these underwater discoveries stands “Franck Goddio Society”. You can find everything about “Project Alexandria” on its web site: Franck Goddio Society

There are a lot of pictures, reports, links, etc.

Currently, there is an ongoing exhibition in The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia:

June 5, 2010 - January 2, 2011

“The world of Cleopatra, which has been lost to the sea and sand for nearly 2,000 years, surfaces in this new exhibition, Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt, making its world premiere at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Organized by National Geographic and Arts and Exhibitions International, with cooperation from the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities and the European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (IEASM), the exhibition features never before seen artifacts, and takes visitors inside the present-day search for Cleopatra, which extends from the sands of Egypt to the depths of the Bay of Aboukir near Alexandria.”

Link: The Franklin Institute
Links to previous exhibitions could be found here: Egypt Sunken Treasures

As speaking of a museum, there is a plan for an underwater museum in Alexandria, which construction should start in late 2010. You can read about it here: Underwater Museum Planned for Egypt's Alexandria

You can also, follow the project development here: Underwater Archaeological Museum

By mentioning her name, most people think of one of the most beautiful woman of the Ancient world. A woman whose beauty and charm could not be resisted by a lot of men of her time, including some of the most powerful of them like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony; a woman that catches our attention even today.
On the other hand, the portraits of her, like those on coins or statues, bring us another picture; after all, she might not be as beautiful as we were supposed to think.
If archaeologists succeed in finding her remains, we could reconstruct her face and make the final judgment. She was Cleopatra, The Last Queen of Egypt…
Welcome to the pages, where I’ll try to cover all the news related to the efforts to find her final resting place and collect as much information as possible, about her and her life.


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